Want to reconnect with

your wellbeing?

Supported by:


Driven by Ireland’s High Performance Podcast ‘Sleep Eat Perform Repeat’.

> 30 years experience - Physiotherapy and Performance Psychology


Supported by local enterprise offices


Support NPO

4 pillars of wellbeing

Who we’ve worked with


Keepwell mark assessor

 Who we work with



Why us?

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Evidence-Based Workshops

All our interventions and programmes are created using the latest scientific evidence in behaviour change, medical science and health promotion.

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Diverse Experience & Expertise

We bring extensive experience from diverse backgrounds to pioneer approaches at the cutting edge of physiotherapy, sports medicine and performance psychology.

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Accredited Ibec KeepWell Mark Assessor

We work closely with you to gain accreditation for your wellbeing programme efforts. We deliver relevant and specific solutions to your pain points through our in-house Ibec KeepWell Mark Assessor.


Our Partners:

What we do?


Evidence-based engagements online or onsite to boost health and wellbeing.

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We collaborate and partner with ambitious companies looking to drive a culture of wellbeing and promote true employee health in their organisations.

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We work closely with you to analyse, identify gaps and enhance your current wellbeing programmes and offerings.


How we do it

Impacting individual wellbeing is what we do. We focus on introspection and self-directed learning to truly promote positive behaviour change in employees and organisational culture.

Our initiatives have yielded the following positive results for our clients:


+ 76% improvement


63% reduction


+ 69% improvement

Team Morale

+ 87% improvement